Preferential seating
Planned seating: bus, classroom, lunchroom, auditorium, other
Alter physical room arrangement (Specify:__________)
Use study carrels or quiet areas
Define area concretely (e.g., carpet squares, tape on floor, rug area)
Reduce/minimize distractions: visual, spatial, auditory, movement
Teach positive rules for use of space
Extended time requirements
Vary activity often
Allow breaks
Omit assignments requiring copying in timed situations
Send an additional copy of the text home for summer preview
Provide a home set of materials for preview or review
Teach to the student’s learning style/strength intelligences:
Verbal/Linguistic, Logical/Mathematical, Visual/Spatial, Naturalist, Bodily/Kinesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal
Use active, experiential learning
Use specialized curriculum
Record class lectures and discussions to replay later
Use American Sign Language and/or total communication
Provide prewritten notes, an outline, or an organizer (e.g., mind map)
Provide a copy of a classmate’s notes (e.g., use NCR paper, photocopy)
Use functional and meaningful application of academic skills
Present demonstrations and models
Use manipulatives and real objects in mathematics
Highlight critical information and main ideas
Pre-teach vocabulary
Make and use vocabulary files, or provide vocabulary lists
Reduce the language level of the reading assignment
Use facilitated communication
Use visual organizers/sequences
Use paired reading/writing
Reduce seat time in class or activities
Use diaries or learning logs
Reword/rephrase instructions and questions
Preview and review major concepts in primary language
Limit amount of material on a page
Record text and other class materials
Use study guides and advanced organizers
Use supplementary materials
Provide note-taking assistance
Copy class notes
Scan tests and class notes into computer
Use large print
Use Braille material
Use communication book or board
Provide assistive technology and software
Standing Board
Electronic Typewriter
Modified Keyboard
Customized mealtime
Computer software
Voice Synthesizer
Augmentative communication device
Restroom equipment
Give directions in small, distinct steps (written/picture/verbal)
Use written backup for oral directions
Use pictures as a supplement to oral directions
Lower difficulty level
Raise difficulty level
Shorten assignments
Reduce paper and pencil tasks
Read or record directions to student
Give extra cues and prompts
Allow student to record or type assignments
Adapt worksheets and packets
Use compensatory procedures by providing alternate assignments, when demands of class conflict with student capabilities
Ignore spelling errors/sloppy work
Ignore penmanship
Provide pictorial or written daily or weekly schedule
Provide student calendars
Check often for understanding/review
Request parent reinforcement
Have student repeat directions
Teach study skills
Use binders to organize material
Design/write/use long-term assignments timelines
Review and practice real situations
Plan for generalization by teaching skills in several environments
Provide oral instructions and/or read test questions
Use pictorial instructions/questions
Read test to student
Preview language of test questions
Ask questions that have applications in real settings
Administer test individually
Use short answer, multiple-choice, shorten length
Extend time frame, use open note/book tests
Modify format to reduce visual complexity or confusion
Use natural peer supports and multiple, rotating peers
Use peer advocacy
Use cooperative learning group
Institute peer tutoring
Structure opportunities for social interaction (e.g., Circle of Friends)
Focus on social process rather than end product
Structure shared experiences in school and extracurricular activities
Teach friendship, sharing, and negotiation skills to classmates
Teach social communication skills
Stop-in support
Team Teaching (parallel, supportive, complimentary, or co-teaching)
Daily in-class support
Total staff support (staff are in close proximity)
One-on-one assistance
Specialized personnel support (If indicated, identify time needed)
Instructional Support Assistant
Health care assistant
Behavior Assistant
Signing assistant
Occupational therapy
Physical therapy
Speech and language therapist
Augmentative and communication specialist
Adaptive physical education
Transition planning
Career counseling