District Supervisor English Language Arts & Media Centers:
Grisel Morales
The goal of the English Language Arts Department is to develop individuals that can communicate proficiently, for a multitude of purposes and audiences. Our students are exposed to a myriad of literary and informational texts that expose them to historical, cultural and societal events that help shaped the literature of the time. With the use of primary and secondary resources, technological media, critical thinking, textual analysis and correct language usage students are continuously being developed in written and oral forms of discussion on a variety of topics. Written works produced include argumentative, persuasive, and research papers. Oral discussions may take the form of informal class discussions, Socratic Seminars and debates. Our academic commitment also extends to those students in specialized populations by collaborating with their educators to expose the students where appropriate to elements of the General Education English curriculum. In the end our goal is to ensure that we develop literate beings able to communicate effectively in any forum or medium as they move on to higher education and eventually the workplace.
SAT Resources
Social Justice/Climate Change